Thursday, October 27, 2022

Orace and Tarot Readings October 27, 2022


Hello and welcome to Fractal Flowers. Today is Thursday, October 27, 2022, and I pulled a card for you today. Our message is from the Animal Spirit oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid and it is number 49, Rabbit Spirit. I've included a photo of our card upright, however; today's message is reversed. That means that it is a protective message and we may need to make some personal adjustments in our lives in order to reap all of the blessings Spirit has in store for us. The message that accompanies Rabbit Spirit is 'Now is a lucky time.' You may see a photo of Rabbit Spirit to the left.

There is a new opportunity awaiting you and Spirit is saying it is time to take a leap of faith. You are beginning a new journey and in your heart, you are ready for the adventure, but you are afraid. It takes a huge boost of courage to trust that you will be okay when you venture into unforeseen territory. Rabbit Spirit offers the assurance that you can make this jump because this is a prosperous time of blessings and new beginnings.

Trust in your partnership with Spirit and let faith guide and lead you as you move forward on your journey. Don't let fear stop you from experiencing all the blessings that are yours to enjoy. Don't stay in the dark afraid to step into the sunlight because you aren't sure what you'll find. 

Rabbit Spirit also encourages you to adopt a playful, fun spirit as you embrace the unknown yet trust in Spirit as you move forward on your journey.  There is a carefree nature that comes when you lose your inhibitions and find your faith. You are a co-creator in this life with Spirit. Find your faith and take action as you leap into your new destiny. Spirit will not let you fall.

You deserve to live the life you've dreamed of. Don't let fear or anxiety hold you back.

Here is a wonderful white light meditation from the Honest Guys that will help you stay grounded knowing you are safe and secure as you overcome doubt, fears, and anxiety and realize your goals.

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